Artwork FAQs

Here’s everything you need to know about submitting your custom sticker, custom label, or custom promo cup artwork.

Do I need to use a specific design software?

Yes. We recommend using Illustrator CS6 or a lower version (recommended) or Photoshop CS6 or a lower version. While we do accept designs made with other programs (saved in PDF or EPS format), please note we may not be able to modify the artwork to be sufficiently print-ready.

The Label Shop does not accept responsibility for unwanted print results for artwork created with other design programs.

How should I send my artwork?

We accept artwork submitted by email (file size 6MB or less), or downloadable links by WeTransfer (preferred), Dropbox, YouSendIt, etc. We ask that you do not password protect your download link(s).

Please contact your sales representative to confirm how you’ll be sending your artwork.

What if I need my custom sticker or label to include a barcode?

Here at The Label Shop we use a special software to ensure your barcode is in the correct printing format. Please include your barcode number(s) with your finalized artwork submission if your barcode is not already formatted for print.

Is there a specific layout needed to print my artwork?

Yes. Please include 1/8” bleed. We also ask that you be sure to note if your label is round corner, square corner, oval or custom die-cut, so that you can adjust the layout accordingly.

Can I use any font for my custom label text?

To avoid font substitution, we ask that all be created in Illustrator and be outlined to convert type into compound paths. If you’re unable to outline the text, please include all screen and printer fonts (TrueType, OpenTypeFont and/or PostScript) with your artwork submission.

Do I have to submit artwork images in a specific format?

Yes. Please make sure all images are at a resolution of 300dpi, and saved in CMYK or grayscale – not RGB. We do not recommend embedding image files in Illustrator as we will not be able to guarantee their print quality.

Can I use any colors?

Please note that any colors less than 10% may be interpreted as white. We recommend you send a PANTONE number, Match-print and/or sample of the color(s) you’d like us to try to match to.

Does my logo or vector art need to be created in Illustrator too?

We recommend that all logo art be created in either Illustrator or InDesign to ensure proper print quality. We do not recommend you import your logo into Photoshop unless absolutely necessary.